Sat 17.06. - Sun 18.06.2023

Ehrlich Brothers

DREAM & FLY - The Magic Show

Olympic Hall

They land on stage in a helicopter, forge a Lamborghini out of flames of fire - and in between they conjure up the biggest candy jar in the world, filled to the brim with thousands of colourful sweets: with their new show "Dream & Fly", the Ehrlich Brothers will present the most elaborate illusion show ever produced for an arena tour in the Olympic Hall on 17 and 18 June 2023.

With their programmes "Magic - Experience Dreams" (2012 to 2016) and "Fascination" (2016 to 2019), the two brothers Andreas and Christian Ehrlich have already thrilled an audience of millions. With "Dream & Fly", however, everything will be even bigger, even better, even more spectacular: with never-before-seen illusions from a whole new dimension in the world of magic. For the musical accompaniment of the evening, the Ehrlich Brothers will bring along their own band this time: The "Ehrlich Sisters" will accompany some of the illusions with the sound from "Flash - The Magic Album", the first longplayer with original songs by the magic duo from Herford.

In their show, the two brothers also prove that they are not only masters of gigantically staged illusions on a large scale. In the course of the evening, the Ehrlichs also mingle with the audience again and again to perform small magic tricks with their charming manner right before the eyes of the audience - before they tell of their childhood dreams at the end and then float up and away. The Ehrlich Brothers will amaze the audience in the Olympic Hall on 17 and 18 June 2023.

7:00 PM
Entry 5:30 PM
1:00 PM
Entry 11:30 AM
6:30 PM
Entry 5:00 PM
Olympic Hall


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