The sight of the heavily made-up hard-rock icons making their way down the dark backstage corridor of the Olympic Hall in their flamboyant costumes was impressive enough. But close-up, the four New Yorkers towered over the assembled throng like skyscrapers, each standing over six-foot-six tall on their gigantic platform shoes!


They had arrived late, but the cement did not set too soon. The reason for the delay was the meet & greet session at which Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer spent time with their fans before the concert. This devoted throng of about 40 hand-picked people also had the honour of being present at the MOWOS Ceremony (Munich Olympic Walk Of Stars). On stage, everything was suitably relaxed. Simmons indulged in his trademark tongue-wagging, Stanley revealed his still quite presentable torso and they regaled the audience with a few words of German.


The time-travel back to the 1970s continued on stage in the Olympic Hall with a flamboyant concert accompanied by sensational explosive effects. The 12,000 fans in the Hall had had to wait a while however, as the four glam rockers were so laid back that they didn't finally pick up their instruments until 9.30 pm.